Professional Identification help needed!

Recently purchased this amplifier off of an auction site. Any idea who was the manufacturer of this unit? Auction number 164639221826. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Well Mr Turkey, you sure got an apt name!  How come you missed Christmas?
You did get quite a big box for $399 and it's painted a nice black colour, so that's OK.
Doesn't look anything close to the Hafler XL-280 I have sitting in a closet.
Possibly a different vintage Hafler.


It’s an early 70’s mystery meat amplifier.

Kinda looks like a bogen, but it’s stereo... with more caps than any super tight bogen engineer would ever unwillingly squeeze out of their reluctant backside.

anyway, the lack of a face-plate or even screw holes/mounts for one, says it was always intended for a professional install application.

Which switches around the entire list of potential manufacturers.

The 5 amp fuse suggests an approximate 100 w/pc rating.
I looked in my Orion 2003 edition Blue Book for audio and see no speaker amplifier ever made by Norman. They have quite a lengthy list of speakers.  As someone surmised it looks like a Norman sticker just got placed on this.