My review: use the 25 with Klipsch Heresy IV, chord Qutest DAC, Chord Mscaler, and a simple blue sound node 2i (dig out to chord). Nordost Blue Heaven LS cables throughout.
The 25 added bass weight, a silky midrange that is very big sounding and a detailed yet non offensive top end.
The 60 is also a beautiful amp. If I had harder to drive speakers I would have considered a purchase. But even the 25 powers the Q acoustic C300s quite easily and those are 86 or 87 dB.
The room makes the biggest difference, always. With that said, the INT-25 is a much fuller and warmer integrated than the others I’ve had. Naim Nova, Luxman 590axII, and various tube amps, including Prima Luna.
I feel the INT-25 has something very special about it and it’s a perfect match for Klipsch Heritage (modern day newest versions).