Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
There are exceptions such as personality disorders particularly of the antisocial type of which there are several examples in this forum. They confuse intelligence with arrogance. You are a perfect example of this confusion.
Yes, it was harsh. It was meant to be.
Just to rectify your diagnostic, antisocial personality are unable to empathize...
They prefer their"logic"...Their "logic" is the only one...

Using so called scientific fact, like a sound theorem in signals theory, to bash a group of people is not science it is symptom of absence of empathy and judgement and ignorance about all the complex chain of the recording events and the phenomena of timbre...Accusing a musician with 45 years of working in studio of lying in place of an  argument is nor science nor logic....

Making the same harsh comments about someone who pretend to nothing except to be amazed by the products effects on his system in a thread about them, bashing systematically, his room, his speakers, his products and pretending that he was an pretentious ignorant.... This is a blatent lack of empathy, not only lack of the knowledge about the product and this time with no excuse, not even a theorem, it is then a probable evidence of antisocial characteristic, if not, a stupidity without redemption or in the least case an eyesight with straight blinders ....

For your own intelligence mark and remark, you make smile all people here... Are you a children in a school to boast about your quality?

You are not antisocial yourself i dont think so, just the average dude conditioned by his straight education to admire anyone who pretend to "objective science’ without being able to differentiate the 2, science has nothing to do with "scientism"....

I am average myself, but i read 4,000 books about science, and philosophy, linguistic, mathematics etc and i can make the difference between true scientist and "scientist" pretender.... Read a bit more it will help....

You will learn for example that acoustical timbre phenomenon is not "a sujective taste and colors " added to the so called " real" information in bits....


By the way accusing all people who were protesting here against this abuse to be sociopaths confusing intelligence with arrogance is itself a so stupid psychological judgement that, even for me trying to conclude that you are not stupid is very difficult.... I cannot....Help me...

By the way there is a thing called probability.... Sociopath constitute a minority in population then your reasoning that all people here in this thread protesting injustice here ( 4 or five have already manifest themselves) against the harshness of one, all those being are sociopaths if i read you, this is a judgement way improbable and not very wise.... The contrary is more probable...

Nope, not confusing intelligence with arrogance, they can go together or they can be separate.  Pulling the intelligence card is usually arrogant :-)

4,000 books, but it appears not one was The Evaluation of Self.  That one can call another lacking empathy, but does not see their own lack of empathy in their need to talk above everyone else with the same material, in every single thread they post in, whether relevant or not.  This puts your selfish needs for attention above other people's needs that is not empathy.

Not everyone is deserving of empathy either.  While you may see but one aspect of a person here, in this thread, I have seen the insults and abuse they have thrown at others elsewhere on the web, and don't feel any need to waste positive emotions on them. There are people far more deserving in my life.
I am passionate and i cannot stand those who attacked group of people bashing them with their simplification...

You did it for analog lovers...

You did it for Tweaks audiophile you despised...

But it was impossible for me to read your arrogant rejection of the room, speakers, products and even the personality of such a gentleman like oregonpapa...Like you said truth ask for being harsh then taste your own medecine...😁

Accusing me of anything is bad faith i only answered, not so much to your falsehood but to your collective accusations of ignorance against those 2 groups of people and against oregonpapa in particular...

I can admit myself being wrong,i proved it in the past; you are not able of that and you have proved it beyond doubts...

Instead of thinking about that you come back here attaking who? oregonpapa.....It is one of the first person who speak to me here almost 2 years ago, and it is a gentle soul loving music....

«The wise look itself in a mirror »-Anonymus Smith

«Standing before truth ask for a complete bareness rendition of our intelligence and a stripping of our knowledge»- Anonymus Smith
mahgister ...

Thank you for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 

I took a peek at your system page with all of your experiments. We're thinking along the same lines. For example, "audio2designs" took issue with the reflective glass on the pictures hanging on my walls. Well, I discovered copper foil as you did for your "golden plates." A little piece of copper foil with adhesive on one side, in each corner of each picture, made an improvement in getting the reflections under control. Also, I discovered long ago the value of placing heavy material on top of the speakers. It is like adding mass to the speakers. I used to use cinder blocks but now use a heavy granite platform on each speaker plus heavy lead fishing weights. Like you, I have spent an inordinate amount of time and effort to reduce micro-vibrations throughout the system. Unlike you, and much to your credit, I spent a lot of money to attain my low micro-vibrations. You've done it on a budget. Kudos to you for that. 

I really enjoy your posts. Keep 'em coming. :-)

I remember you from my first coming here.... You were always kind and a true gentleman....

My creation almost " nutty" sometimes were the fruit of my lack of money to afford my dream.... Lukily i succeed to a point.... I am no more frustrated , we are all happy when the natural  "Timbre" and "imaging" are there coming from non existent speakers...

My deepest respect.... And thanks for the invitation....