Make sure you get them on stands to raise them to the correct height. I don't think pole-mount stands would be appropriate quality for this purpose. The listening position should be far enough away such that the drivers integrate properly.
I use JBLs (PRX412M) on Target stands in a 11' x 14.5' room with listening position about 9' away from them. No subs used. They are passive and I drive them with a Crown XLS 2500 power amp. They rock.
PA speakers don't usually have the detail of a good studio monitor but for much rock music that can be a good thing.
I use JBLs (PRX412M) on Target stands in a 11' x 14.5' room with listening position about 9' away from them. No subs used. They are passive and I drive them with a Crown XLS 2500 power amp. They rock.
PA speakers don't usually have the detail of a good studio monitor but for much rock music that can be a good thing.