Digital Cable... anyone compare Canare lv 77S to

Kimber D60? Belden 1694A? DH Labs Silver Sonic 750? Canare LV 61S? Straightwire I link?  .... Others?   What are you using and what have you compared it too in making your choice??
The Apogee Wyde Eye can be bought on Amazon for $50 for 1m and compares well to pricier digital cables.  I actually prefer it to my Stereovox XV2 (descendent of the original D60) as it’s more natural sounding yet still very detailed.  This is a great all-around cable that’d be a very good benchmark with which to evaluate pricier options, or you may end up just keeping it as I did.  Best of luck. 
michaelklein.... I bought the Silver Sonic and compared it to the Canare I cited.  In my system, and results may vary based on systems, it was a bit smoother but the stage was smaller, much further away..  as though the performance was outside my apartment in the street instead of in my listening room, and the stage was flat..  no front to back which the Canare does quite nicely.  I sold it on eBay a few days later only to prove my own rule that I shouldn't buy anything (over $100) I can't demo first, especially in cable.  I've also tried the Belden 1694A and it was very shrill and lacked bass in comparison.  BTW, 3 feet of the Canare is $20.25 at Blue Jeans.
I have a Kimber D60 and something pricier coming in as audition loaners from the Cable Company in about 10 days and may pickup a Straightwire Info-link I can demo from them next week.  Also have a Canare RCAP003F SPDIF Video Cable on order from B&H Photo based on a Stereophile recommendation.  I suspect that may prove to be the their 77 or the Canare 61 .. just don't know until I get it.    I'll post when it comes in and I have some other results.  Meanwhile lets keep hearing from you guys on what you have tried.
Owned a Canare years ago and felt it was a very good digital cable especially for the money. From memory thought it was neutral and smooth. Might not have been the most transparent cable but but it definitely is not bright and maybe a little on the warmer side.
Today I’m using a Nordost Silver Shadow which I really haven’t compared to others. Local dealer had them in stock and let me take it home before committing. Works great in my system and I’d say it’s very revealing but not harsh. Very fast cable.