Does anyone else miss the 80s-90s raving mood?
Currently this track made me ask this question.
I never heard it before, but I listened to it, and I think that if I was in a crowded room with strobe lights and a hit of X in me, I would really enjoy it. Outside of that atmosphere, it's kind of linear and not very interesting. 
I felt a similar atmosphere to what you expressed. And wondering why this kind of sound has recently reappeared. I personally hope the nostalgic era will come again.
Just sounds like a film soundtrack- nothing else.

To each his own. My Gen X and younger friends consider this "music".

Ecstasy and a Red Bull fortification definitely needed, along with the packed, room required to appreciate it. Also needs to "performed" by some guy who goes by the name of "DJ...." which the crowed responds to as if he actually possess talent with a musical instrument.
Nobles of the past would have said something analogous to what you said if they heard blues or jazz records.