If you view this document -
Documentation of damping capacity of metallic, ceramic and metal-matrix composite materials (utexas.edu), it gives an excellent summary of the damping characteristics for metals. Table III is the one of most interest, and the larger n^ (column to left of Remarks) the greater the damping.
Aluminum by itself is not that great, so unless you revert to just mass (weight) as @slaw says two layer of AL w/damping can improve the damping considerably. Also, viscoelastic damping can be any thin film plastic that can stretch at room temp. Ideally, the two plates are different different thickness (and different stiffness) so that the thinner plate is the constraining layer that along with the viscoelastic damping are what damps the thicker plate. The viscoelastic damping layer can be as thin as 0.015" and be very effective. If you then add another layer - its damps even more, but the first layer get you about 85%.
Aluminum by itself is not that great, so unless you revert to just mass (weight) as @slaw says two layer of AL w/damping can improve the damping considerably. Also, viscoelastic damping can be any thin film plastic that can stretch at room temp. Ideally, the two plates are different different thickness (and different stiffness) so that the thinner plate is the constraining layer that along with the viscoelastic damping are what damps the thicker plate. The viscoelastic damping layer can be as thin as 0.015" and be very effective. If you then add another layer - its damps even more, but the first layer get you about 85%.