Help Please With A Replacement For Old Aragon Amp.

There aren't any dealers allowing home auditions right now in my area so would appreciate some input n the following.
I think its time to upgrade from my old Aragon 8008BB power amp. It's been good to me but I've got the upgrade bug. Any suggestions as to a worthy replacement? I'm thinking no more than $1500-2000.  I've considered a Cambridge Audio Azur 841W or Musical Fidelity A3 cr power amp. Not opposed to going integrated.  Speakers are ATC Scm 19 V2
85db sensitivity but an ATC dealer told me they don't need gobs of power as often thought.  Pre amp right now is a First Sound Presence MK I (tubes)  The Aragon doesn't seem to grip the speakers despite it's power rating.  Thnks for any replies. 
Thanks guys, will do. Is the Isotek ok for the source components?
Due to an odd configuration of the outlets in my listening room, I'll need  to set up a quality power strip so I can have the Aragon run into the wall. I do have a Furutech eTP66. I can connect it to an Audioquest Blizzard PC and plug the Tornado PC into it.  My Tornado is only 1 meter and no way can reach the wall outlet.
My advice is to not put anything between the wall outlet and the Aragon other than a power cord. If that means a different power cord, then that is what I would do. I would think a Signal Cable Magic Power in the appropriate length would be fine to tell you if that is the problem. The Isotek should be fine for source components. 
Are the ATCs relatively new to you or have you had the Aragon/ATC pairing for a while?  
Try a PS Audio Power Port Classic 
the cost online through PS Audio $49
i also a Pangea 9se power cable plugged into power port.
I replaced power fuse with Synergistic slow blow 1.5 inch 12.5 amp