Effects of cables on phono volume

Aside from changes in tome and ability/ inability to reject RF, has anyone found a significant diffence in apparent volume/loudness when switiching amongst various makes/models of phono interconnects ( not those within the tomearm-rather those between tonearm and phono preamp and/or phono preamp-preamp etc).
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Cables should make no difference as far as perceived SPLs.  Capacitance or inductance of a cable might affect tonal balance, but the reactance would have to be very extreme even to do that.  I think the verdict is unanimous and will remain so.
OP, are you sure you are not confusing perceived change in dynamics for change in volume? My current AudioNote straight to preamp tone arm wire is noticeably more dynamic or alive sounding than the previously used Cardas.  That, combined with the darker sounding quality of the Cardas can give the IMPRESSION of slightly less volume.
Maybe measurable with the lowest output MC and the cruddiest wire. I don't believe that you could hear a level difference.