@gmosley and @parker65310
I have a pair of Apogee Duetta Sigs which I purchased new approximately 30 years ago. I still marvel at how well they sound and I, too am a new fan of BAT - I use a BAT VK 42se preamp and a BAT VK 250 power amp. I have driven the Duettas with many configurations in the past including Forte pre and power amps, Proceed PRE and Bel Canto power amp, including a pair of Ref 1000 monoblocks.
My question, if it is not too personal, is this - how much do you expect to pay for a ribbon rebuild by Bill Thalmann? I have attempted to get in touch with him, but have had no luck. After 30 years of use, I have to believe that my Duettas would benefit by a new ribbon rebuild.
I used to be on the original Apogee forum many years ago when Graz started supplying ribbons and building his own Apogees. We used to exchange Christmas gifts back then - in the form of CD's. He sent me a pair of mid/tweeter ribbons one year along with a great CD another year.
Any info on the rebuild cost would be helpful - Thanks
Richard Moscatelli
I have a pair of Apogee Duetta Sigs which I purchased new approximately 30 years ago. I still marvel at how well they sound and I, too am a new fan of BAT - I use a BAT VK 42se preamp and a BAT VK 250 power amp. I have driven the Duettas with many configurations in the past including Forte pre and power amps, Proceed PRE and Bel Canto power amp, including a pair of Ref 1000 monoblocks.
My question, if it is not too personal, is this - how much do you expect to pay for a ribbon rebuild by Bill Thalmann? I have attempted to get in touch with him, but have had no luck. After 30 years of use, I have to believe that my Duettas would benefit by a new ribbon rebuild.
I used to be on the original Apogee forum many years ago when Graz started supplying ribbons and building his own Apogees. We used to exchange Christmas gifts back then - in the form of CD's. He sent me a pair of mid/tweeter ribbons one year along with a great CD another year.
Any info on the rebuild cost would be helpful - Thanks
Richard Moscatelli