Parker65310...thank you very much for the detailed information. At least now I have a good idea what to expect should I choose a rebuild.
Apogee Duetta II Signature Crossover Caps Recommendations
You’re welcome. Feel free to message me privately if preferred. Same goes to anyone else looking for specific info that may not be appropriate for a public forum. No need to track it all down yourself when I’ve already done countless hours of my own research and amassed various top quality sources and articles. |
Hi @bridge-player, The $2,500 does cover the bass panel parts as well. There is a price list on Graz’ Apogee website (, but you’ll want to get a quote from him because the front mesh will need to be replaced (not listed in the price list, around $75 for each speaker as I recall - I elected to get the darker than original mesh). Note, he’ll only send the bass ribbons directly to an authorized restorer (Music Technology Group or True Sound Works in the U.S) since most of the time DIY owners run into installation problems that likely ruin the parts. They haven’t been restored/upgraded yet. Bill Thalmann @ Music Technology has a large backlog of Apogee restoration plus the (auto) paint shop he uses to do the work isn’t heated. I just spoke to him last week and it’s looking like he can’t get to mine until the end of summer (I’ll send them to him just before he can start work). Good news is they just finished their new shop. So, he’ll be able to work on multiple Apogee pairs at once. He might be able to get to my speakers (and yours potentially) faster as a result, but he’s not sure right now until he gets his bearings with the new space. |