Audio research d-110 owners

I’m looking at possibly getting one if it’s compatible with my thiel cs 3.6. How is the sound and can it handle the thiels that basically live in the 2.5 ohm area in a major portion of its frequency?

 I would do a search of peoples systems for Thiel. See what other people are using to drive them. There is also a Thiel tread, you can ask for suggestions. jafant is a nice guy and I am sure he can help. You want to find an amp that is a good match for your speakers. System synergy is very important.

A lot of them are using amps that are out of my price range to get. I’m in the thread. I’m only 22.
Thiels are known to be a little thin sounding. I'd put a nice juicy sounding amp on that loudspeaker. Parasound A21 or one of many tube amps (Not ARC).