Sound and quality of Legacy Speakers

Hello music lovers. I am researching my next speaker choice and here is where I am now. I am running a mcintosh MA7900, 200 watts per and a Node 2i and SVS Ultra towers and SB 13 Subs. Ok, I am enjoying my Ultras but the highs are not satisfying at higher volume, the mids and lows are good. I listen to blues rock at high volume and I love bass and slam. I also love Jazz at medium volume and I am seeking clean mids and crisp realistic highs. I was thinking of preowned Wilson’s Sophia’s until I saw the weight, I am 68 and my audio room is in my basement. I am seeking speakers at 100 lbs or less each. I am now looking at Legacy Signature SE, reviews are good and the used price are really low. I have not yet hear a pair, I see opinions. I am open to suggestions on other speakers.Thank you.
Since you have the subs, and don't mind using them for 2 channel it opens up a host of options.

But, I too listen loud and like blues rock.

I have Salk SS12's, but those are not available anymore.  If you could score some SS8's, 10's, or 12's used... you might dig them.  

Or, the Salk SS 9.5's or Song 3 encore.  

With the SS8's, you will want the subs I suspect.  The SS10's and 12's.. no real need for subs unless you want.  (but tough speaker to find used)

Legacy is also a great option. IMO they do rock really well.  If you dig the Signatures, I would say go for it.  

JBL 3900's, 4700's, or the 4367, good options.

Wilsons, also do what you listen to well.  I personally do not like the focal tweeter versions, but the newer wilsons with the soft-domes are quite nice.


Those are pretty nice speakers.  Actually curious as to why you are selling them.  If I didn't have my Salks, I would be taking a hard look at those.  

Truthfully, a fully active speaker makes a lot of sense to me.  (I know those have all sorts of options).  
Thank you. They turned out to be a little too large for my room. I also have an active pair of ATC SCM100ASLT speakers ($38k) which are perfect for that room. With the Wavelet and room correction engaged, the Focus XDs are superior in some ways. For me, in that room, the Signature SE would be the better speaker. I think Legacy should offer them in an XD (active) version but the Focus is their least expensive tower speaker with the active option.