Ribbon Tweeters and Animal Hair

I recently purchased a pair of Ascend Sierra 2-EX (with RAAL ribbon tweeter) and have been keeping the grills on in fear of issues with pet hair. I have 2 cats and a dog. 

I hate to cover up what I think is a unique looking speaker and beautiful woofer but want to keep them protected. Am I safer to keep the grills up, or is that being overly cautious? 
If someone EVER complained about pet hair and my speakers, they would be shown the door anyways. LOL No one is above approval from my loyal companion.. I've literally closed the door on people because my dog wouldn't quit barking at them.. IT IS A SIGN!! Pay attention.

As for the hair cleaning. Your good.. The issue is always "STICKY". Surrounds use to get sticky, and a lot of soft domes were like magnets for dust and hair. I use to remove them and dust them with a few different concoctions..(soft domes) surrounds usually got replaced..

I use planars and ribbons, they are a push pull design. I have had 100s through the years and close to 40 (ish) small planars and 20 (ish) ribbons currently..A few AMT too. I don't have a pet hair problem, better than 20 / 20 vision with my specs on, I don't see it. The foams used as wave guides or for diffusion can be collectors to. I use a vacuum cleaner with a large hole in the hose. No matter what it will relieve enough vacuum but still remove dust, lint, HAIR and the like..

I'd like to try the ribbons your talking about... I heard they were all the rage. Great reviews..

To keep those clean, use compressed air AT A DISTANCE.  Blow them out a couple of times a year and you'll be fine.  1 1/2 to 2' away from a can of compressed air.