If it looks like ...
And it smell like ...
It probably is ...
LOL, I knew you'd show up and suck the fun out of it.. SHI$ is fun.. lighten up... Your like the FART that never stop smellin', BUT at least your becoming OUR BIG FART.. We'll get use to it yet. A Big ol FART.... that never stops givin' methane 101... Engineer that... Bucco!
audio2design, your somethin'
LOL you keep me in stitches with your absolute arrogance. I do admire your tenacity, to provoke any occasion you can.. You are a willful person, tempting not a discussion but an argument at EVERY opportunity..
Some people have the ability to attract a following just because of their beaming personality... Then there are "those", people just skip over when they see the name..
EXEPT for the Titan of Tinker.. (You started that one).. He's gonna end it.. I know who my money is on.. :-)
You are a maestro.. I'm learning a lot in spite of YOU..
NOW figure out how to make the damn thing work, simple.. of course it works. I want to know HOW to make one and not pay the BIG dollars..
Set there and call the CAD system a spoof.. You can't hear can you?
listen to folks that still can...HELP or put a cork in it..
You better start paying attention, before you get stuck in the corner, with that silly pointed hat again..