What did your system look like 30 years ago?

As best as I can recall, this is what I had

Magnepan MG1.4 speakers; Rega Planar 3 turntable with a Linn K9 cartridge; CAL Icon CD player;  Adcom GTP500 II tuner/preamp; Adcom GFA545 amp

I still have my Zerostat which I bought in the 80's-
NAD 3240PE int. amp
Polk Audio monitor 5b speakers
Technics CD player
Monster cable 
Realistic single tape deck

All McCormack electronics

  • DNA-0.5 Deluxe amp
  • TLC-1 preamp
  • SST-1 transportDAC 1 
  • Thiel or Monitor Audio speakers

Grado Signature- 8MX
Nakamichi- OMS 1A
Nakamichi- BX 100
Amber- FF 17
Amber- Series 70
Magnepan- MMG
Kimber Kable- IC's and speaker cable(entry level cables)
Last-record cleaning kit(could not afford a VPI machine)

Not bad for someone in there mid 20's!!!

Pioneer SX-750 receiver, Rotel turntable, Sharp cassette player, HPM100's.  Pieces were all about 13-14 years old, then.