6000 dollars CD player

 I am planning to buy CD player with out SACD , classical music as main listen ing.  Components are Accuphase C2850. + A47+Harbeth SHL 5 ,40th.  I like reliable, trouble free gear with good CP.
The 2.10 has better specs and a better chip. The 1.10 is mechanically the better unit but the DAC doesn't have the incredible specs of the 2.10.  

I am the US importer for Canor. Placed my first order with them at the end of December so we are very new to the US.  
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Wow, just checked your web site. 
I'm glad Canor is in the usa.
Is, for spinning CD's, the 1,10 not the better player?

The CD 1.10 is $5499. Can’t disagree it is the better player. I mentioned the 2.10 initially because it has a 32 bit DAC vs. 24 bit. Both are awesome though.  Obviously if all you are doing is playing CDs, the newer DAC is irrelevant.
Thanks for the reply, also being fair about the price, no crazy up charge
Wish you success with the brand.