Pass XA25 or Pass XA 30.8

Hi everyone!  I have been a tube guy for the past 20+ years and have decided to give one of these Pass amps a try.  I would like to hear from owners of the XA25 and XA 30.8 on why you chose your amp and what you really love about the XA 25 ormr 30.8!  Both have great reviews but I want to hear your impressions.  I will  still be using a nice tube preamp btw!
I am very familiar with your speakers, but could never bring myself to buy anything from Dale. No to tubes as these speakers really seem to thrive on current and I always thought they worked best with S.S. I owned a 30.8 for a time and liked it but didnt love the amp. Hard to explain why in retrospect. I actually think you would be well served by a better amp, although power should be adequate but really at a minimum for your speakers. Feed them the best signal you can as these speakers are very good. 
The XA25 (I have 2, but using only one as stereo) drives my Dynaudio Confidence C4 Platinums REALLY nicely! Stereophile measured it's output at almost 180 watts. It's the most tubey, SET sounding SS amp I've heard, and I've heard MANY. 
I am a tube person but have two SS amps: XA25 and Herron M1As. I have never really been drawn into Pass but the XA25 was different, stunning, and engaging. And, I have 87db 4 hm speakers in a large room. The XA25 caught my attention right out of the box and just got better. I mistakenly traded it, missed it, and 6 months later bought a new one. It is a unique amp with wonderful capabilties.