Help! Buy McIntosh MA252?

Hello. Noobie audiophile here who would appreciate some advice.

I currently enjoy my digital audio music collection from PC --> Integra 20.3 --> B&W 683s.  No complaints but it's time to upgrade.  I'm intrigued by the McIntosh MA252 integrated amp.  Sounded pretty great at the store and the reviews seem to be unanimously positive.  I'd be using a EVGA Nu Pro audio card.  The MA252 will be worth more than my entire current setup, PC included, which begs the question, is it overkill in regards to 1. the speakers and 2. the digital audio source? Will the sound quality really be that much better or am I better off spending my hard earned money elsewhere (speakers, external DAC)?

Thanks in advance for your input and advice!

About three to four months ago, I was looking to purchase an integrated amplifier and went on to audition several amps and speakers. I listened to both the Raven Audio Blackhawk (which is one level above Nighthawk) as well as the McIntosh MA252, albeit not at the same location or the same day, so take my impressions with a grain of salt.

Personally, I don't think that the Nighthawk or Blackhawk are 'clearly' better than the MA252, it really depends on your preference and taste. Honestly, I could have lived with either. McIntosh certainly has a unique sound signature that you must listen to before writing it off. I'm going off on memory, but my impression was that the MA252 had more oomph and heft compared to the Nighthawk, but keep in mind the location, day of demo, and supporting equipment was completely different.

Another amp to consider is the Primaluna integrated. I was able to do a direct A/B between the Blackhawk and Primaluna Dialog HP, and preferred the Blackhawk but only by a small margin. Both Raven and McIntosh or made in the USA, while Primaluna is assembled in China. This may or may not be important to you.

Finally, if you go with the Mac, you can always recoup your investment if you plan to sell it down the road. Good luck!
Interesting... Leaning towards getting the MA252. Worst case scenario the dealer has a 10% restocking fee. Thanks!
hello, I have bought the MA252 and I am quite satisfied with its performance. I am connecting it with Harbeth C7 and Luxman 03 CD player.  The sound is stunning and has strength. However, in my opinion, connecting MA252 with PC is a bit waste. This amp provides a very  impressive and gorgeous sound, if there are no good equipment for matching it, I am afraid it cannot perform its best.
Thanks for your input! Great to hear you're enjoying your MA252.  I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain some more.

Can you elaborate why the PC would not be up to par? I am listening to lossless files and would get an internal audio card/DAC (EVGA Nu Pro vs Sound Blaster AE-9).  It seems many people here use Tidal or other streaming services so not sure how a PC is worse than that.  I was more worried about my 683s not being good enough for the MA252.
I had a 252, Pathos Classic One MK3 .

sold the 252 and kept the Pathos Classic One.

then bought a Raven Blackhawk MK3 and the Pathos was replaced in my main system by the Raven. 
Listen to as many options as you can. Raven has 45 day return and check out Pathos at Up Scale Audio as they have 60 day returns.

McIntosh 252 did not do it for me. Not saying it won’t for you.