What's The Furthest/Longest You Have/Will Travel To Audition?

I have few options for auditioning a decent variety of equipment (speakers and amps), in my neck of the woods.

I'm considering the rationality of flying to another state to visit a large reseller of brands I would consider
purchasing together.  Otherwise, I would have to purchase components individually without being heard together - could be an expensive mistake.

So, how far would you go (driving or flying), assuming the travel cost wasn't prohibitive?

Funny you should describe being ignored.  In the 1978-1981 period I sold audio on straight commission at Shrader Sound in the Georgetown neighborhood in DC.  One afternoon a guy came into the store that looked like he was homeless, hadn't shaved or showered in a long time.  All the other salesmen on the floor said that I'd help him out.  It was a slow day, so "what the heck" I thought.  Long-story-short, he was a neurosurgeon and was on duty so long, hence his appearance.  I sold him over $38k of equipment, in 1979 dollars!
Hell, i live in Arizona and flew to NY and New Jersey and Dallas and drove to  Los Angeles and San Diego to listen to equipment.  It was fun.  
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I drove 788 miles, one way, to buy a pair of speakers that I had never heard.  That was about 14 years ago and I still have them.  Will I ever do that again?  No freaking way.