What tests would you like all speaker reviewers to do for their reviews?

What qualitative or quantitative tests do you think should be performed regularly on all speakers?  
Maybe like “how fatiguing is it with certain gear and cables?”  

Any other ideas?
Reviewer invites 5 of his audiophile friends over. They are blindfolded and listen to the the speaker being reviewed, mixed in with 4 other speakers rotated and sound matched and they list what they like and dislike about each.
Removing as much bias as possible gives the best result.
Comparing blind tests to other speakers would tell me alot about my likelihood of enjoying that speaker.
symphony orchestras playing dense large scale symphonic works familiar to most listeners. comment on transparency,compression,glare,smearing. speakers that do well here should be able to handle just about anything. a review without this is useless to me.
The acid test: listen.
I thought MC was advocating LSD for a second there. Of course if you’re “altered” enough all music starts to sound like Pink Floyd (allegedly) so it may not be the best test.

+3  for John Atkinson.  I've read him since he started more than 40 years ago.
In this time he has tested some 1,000 speakers and has build an unequalled authority.
Well I wish all but a few would go away. But I am sick of reviewers stating that one speaker is suited for a particular type of music and not all types. Measurements are all but useless when bad measurements exhibited by a favored manufacturer are explained as inconsequential.