When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
I just got back from Alphifi's, and I appreciate the fact that you guys haven't actually call me a neophyte. He, and many others out there, are far, far more experienced than I am. Now, I have to say that Alphifi has made all his own equipment, including interconnects. He may be selling these interconnects. They deserve to be heard. They definitely gave me pause for thought. I do want to say to the less experienced to still trust your own ears. I also know that back in the day, that the Linn way of PRAT helped me know what to look for. Today with digital, PRAT is almost a given, but I think it helps to have some way of evaluating what is better.
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And, if I may so ask, did you still experience 'tension' while listening to Alex's fine digital wares?
Finally, which interconnects did you enjoy best, APL's or your beloved Oritek X2s? and Why?
I want to apologize Aplhifi, for misspelling your name, and thanks for having me over there. I also heard that DVD-A disc that Aplhifi made, and my comment was "this sounds like analog vinyl". I did notice that the most natural sounding discs were originally recorded in analog. That would be an Elvis Pressly recording, a Nat King Cole made by Reference Recordings, plus that DVD-A Aplhifi recorded. This might related to what Jlambrick and the guy who recommended Mapleshade's cd's were saying. C5150, this might relate to your point. Discussions are good.
I want to apologize Aplhifi, for misspelling your name, and thanks for having me over there. I also heard that DVD-A disc that Aplhifi made, and my comment was "this sounds like analog vinyl". I did notice that the most natural sounding discs were originally recorded in analog. That would be an Elvis Pressly recording, a Nat King Cole made by Reference Recordings, plus that DVD-A Aplhifi recorded. This might be related to what Jlambrick and the guy who recommended Mapleshade's cd's were saying. C5150, this might relate to your point. Discussions are good.