$6000 budget question

Im not in the market for speakers, but wonder what $6000 would buy these days. My priorities are full range and neutral to warm. No mini monitors for me. I like a good soundstage but am not obsessed by it. I rarely get imaging beyond my speakers, and I think it's highly dependent on the recording, if the lights are on, if I'm wearing my glasses and if I've had some wine/bourbon/scotch

My dislikes are hyper detail at the expense of tonality. I've heard too many highly regarded speakers that were all detail.

I happen to like my Revel F30's quite a bit but after 14 years of wining them, I'm curious.

The Aerial 7Ts that are currently for sale on Agon would seem to meet your needs, as you describe them.

Great reviews; great PRaT, slightly warm and detailed - but not overly so.
New-ATC SCM40v2/Focus Audio FP88se/Opera Quinta. Used-KEF 205/2/Marten Django L/Spendor SP100R2.
This price point has a trove of wonderful alternatives. Without knowing what the rest of your system is, it is impossible to offer a meaningful reply.

System synergy matters .... Big time!

(1) Just because Brand X sounds good in one guy's system, it means zilch in expectation that it will sound good in the next guy's kit.

(2) Lofty price of new ad hoc gear components in isolation to a plan, is also no guarantee to meaningful or satisfying audio listening improvement.
Inserting by itself, a pair of $6K audiophile / " high-end" speakers still
driven by a $600 AV receiver and/or cheapo Home Depot zip cord subbing for speaker cables still won't lead one to much of an overall
listening improvement, much less closer to Oz

Regrettably w/o knowing those other system details, all you are going to
get here are just heavily biased personal and anecdotal opinions without any measure of likelihood in assistance to you.