Would I benefit from a dedicated streamer?

Currently, I'm streaming directly from a Roon Nucleus to the Holo May KTE DAC.  Would there be any sonic benefit from adding a streamer to the chain?  Or any benefit at all?  For reference, I have narrowed my choices down to these three, probably in this order:

Auralic G2.1
Lumin U1
Innos ZENith Mk3

I liken this to the discussion about adding a preamp to the chain, when your DAC has a volume control.  I'm in the camp for adding the preamp.  To me, it sounds better.  Thanks for your help.

Thank you for your response.  That's what I love about audio, no clear cut answers.  Upscale Audio sells both the Lumin and the Auralic.  That 60 day return policy would definitely come in to play.  Thanks for reminding me.  
I'm currently running a Roon Nucleus directly into a Chord Qutest via Curious USB cable.   I'm using an Sbooster Linear Power Supply with the Nucleus (fwiw purchased from Upscale Audio) and found that it made a big difference.  Also currently considering introducing a D/D converter such as a Denafrips Gaia into the chain between the Nucleus and the DAC. 
I have a Roon Nucleus Plus connected to a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and the SQ streaming Qobuz is awesome.

I'm not sure I'd put another device in the path.
OP: If you're open to other options, take a look at Sonore Signature Rendu SE Optical -- made in USA. It's based on their opticalRendu product, which I own and can vouch for.
Any of the 3 you mention will be a better sounding replacement for your Roon Nucleus