What most of you big gauge gurus fail to realize is that musical transients are asynchronous to the power line frequency. Low E on a bass is 41.2 Hz. The lowest common multiple with 60Hz is 6180 or every 103 line periods for bipolar supplies and every 51.5 for unipolar.
@ 120 BPM there are 30 line cycles per beat. The power supply is topped up on every line peak which almost never coincide with an audio transient.
Clean connections and no computer junk on the audio circuit solve the vast majority of power problems. Note that many wall-warts for 'audio' devices are SMPS and should not be used.
@ 120 BPM there are 30 line cycles per beat. The power supply is topped up on every line peak which almost never coincide with an audio transient.
Clean connections and no computer junk on the audio circuit solve the vast majority of power problems. Note that many wall-warts for 'audio' devices are SMPS and should not be used.