No kidding.  Good dealer and almost perfect timing (you got the use of the III for a month plus your wait time for the IV's).
As a current owner of Forte IIIs, I'd be curious about crossover improvements in the IVs. 

I've considered the Forte III upgrade kit from GR Research, it includes upgraded crossover, bracing and damping. 

The crossovers requiring soldering, however, which is not a skill i possess. 

They did a great job of keeping it quiet while they were working hard on the Forte IV...   mine arrived today,picking them up in the morning.

I am interested to hear your thoughts. They say the paper bass driver takes a longtime to loosen up and break in, as in 400 hours. 
I am interested in the Cornwall IV but still want to hear about the new klipsch in general as I still have my doubts I will like them.