Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?

There are a lot clones coming out of China and power amplifiers seem to be along for the ride.
Mark Levinson, Goldmund, and Accuphase are some of the big names I see replica’s being advertised for sale. These replica’s range in price from $500-$2000. My curiosity every time I see these always is do they even sound like the brand they are trying copy? Another thought that comes to my mind when I see them is, are they even safe or reliable. I myself wouldn’t touch one of these, but that’s me. Has anybody heard one? If so it would be interesting to hear some opinions regarding these amplifiers.
Je commence a’ penser que tu connais Groucho Marx personnellement!
Only the rich can lend to the poor, and a poor fellow like me stole only from the rich; it is not necessary to know him to borrow his name, giving to my nudity a magnificent veil....

Care to tell what your native tongue is?
The french of Rabelais, Racine and Rimbaud.....
"The french of Rabelais, Racine and Rimbaud....."

My friend’s grandfather used to teach, better to say forced, him and his brother to speak French. It was from some older books. I am not sure as old as Rabelais, but not current. The boys learned as much as they could and then went to Paris. People were laughing at them as, apparently, that was not the language style people spoke anymore. Not that I know much about those differences, but that is what they told me.