Looking for a tube Preamp new or used for under $2000...

Hi all,

I am looking for a tube preamp for my Parasound A21 amp. I currently have a Parasound p6 preamp, but have been told that a “Tube” preamp not a SS preamp would make a huge improvement. My budget is $2k however, I would prefer to spend less! I am looking at McIntosh and audio research preamps. I am willing to purchase an older preamp, but not one that I would need to send it into be serviced. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I have a Don Sachs Model 2 that I am parting with.  It uses 6SN7 tubes, which some say are better than the typical 12AX7 tubes used in preamps.  YMMV
I have a Rogue RP-1 and likes it.   Stock tubes crapped out after a few years but I put in some Mullards that sound nice.  The guys at Rogue are good as well, always answer the phone and up for a chat. Phono stage is well regarded.  Only knock is the cheezy plastic remote, mine is dead from to many hard wood floor hits. Easily replaced. 
I agree with speakermaster. Tube preamps are often designed for tube power amps with input impedances of 100K or higher. Your Parasound amp has a a 33K input impedance (or 66K balanced). 
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