preamp for CJ premier 11A power amp

Hello all,
I just acquired a Conrad Johnson premier 11a power amplifier. I am looking for a good preamp to match up with it. I am considering a cj pv10 or 12, rogue metis, sonic frontiers line 1 or sfl 1, etc.
any experience or recommendations would be helpful.
Thank in advance
depends what sound profile you are looking for and what speakers you are driving

the cj prem 11a is a nice relaxed tubey sounding amp but has trouble with controlling and driving harder to drive speakers... best to use higher efficiency speakers with benign impedance

i personally think an older cj preamp/linestage into a prem 11a is too much of a good thing in the warm and fuzzy golden glowy sound direction, but as i said, it depends what rest of system is
the premier 11a drives a pair of b&w 804s speakers. CALicon mkii and cl20 cd players and a rega p25 turntable. ive also been looking at the bryston bp20 and a classe cp50

it has been a couple decades since i had a premier 11 a amp... remind me does that amp have 4 and 8 ohm output taps?

the b&w 804's are fairly high efficiency but impedance in the bass dips kinda low iirc... think 4 ohm taps will do better driving them

sonically it should be a nice match as the tubey goodness of the premier 11a will mate well with b&w sharp sounding tweeter and somewhat thin midrange

frank van alstine makes truly excellent sounding solidly built (but not luxurious feeling) gear...