New Audiophile going crazy

I've always been a music fan, play guitar and have dedicated HT, stadium seating and so on.  Beginning in about November I started collecting some vintage equipment.  A Kenwood receiver from the 70's, a nice Adcom amp
(GFA-555), Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature.  Apparently that was just the taste I needed because I went into high gear at that point.  B&W 802's (series 80's), 805 Nautilus, HTM2 center and a thumping B&W sub.  I constructed a 2-channel system for my home office made of McIntosh C28 pre, a 2105 amp, Rega P3 and Pioneer 707 R2R and full set of Dalquist DQ-10 (sub unit and crossover) all in mint condition. And of course, all the Audioquest cabling to connect it all.  To go with all those Bowers & Wilkins I picked up a Mac MX135 and a MC7108 just this weekend.  House is wired for two channel in every room already so the multi-zone seemed a good choice.
Now, I'm sitting here looking at projectors to re[place the one in the theater.  I've become quite consumed with upgrading all my equipment.

That's since Thanksgiving.  Is there any hope for me?  I have to get this "Obsession" under control.  Any advice?
Welcome to the lunacy club called Musiholicism. The natural love of music gets us here and I haven’t been cured since I caugh the disease in 1966. I went  crazy for about 15 years sampling every type of ss equipment know to man. In 1982 my wife acquired a set of klipschorns (Blew my head off). Finally graduated to a mcintosh ma6900 in 2001. In 2018 I upgraded the khorns to a FULL volti audio upgrade. And then somebody introduced me to tubes!!I just acquired an accembled Thorsten Loeshe 300B build kit. Lets see. 78 years old, 55 years later, still got the sickness. Hope you get over it!! Helps if your wife starts it!!! Happy listening!!
I would imagine a lot of you will scoff at this idea, but here goes. I've had some pretty good systems over the last 40 plus years, and I still do. Here's the way it spreads out:

Garage: Sonos Moves (they also go wherever such as the driveway or back yard or anywhere else).

Kitchen: Sonos Play 5's.

Living Room: Sonos Port, Lexicon Amp, B&W bookshelves, 2 REL subs and about 6K in wires.

Studio A: Sonos Amp, KEF LS-50's, Martin Logan sub, Furman 20, 2K in wires.

Master: Sonos Amp, KEF-LS 50's, $800 in wires

Master bath: Sonos Amp, old DCM bookshelves, old AQ wires

TV room: Sonos ARC, Sonos Sub, Sonos Play 1's. 

Office- Sonos Beam- used to be in TV room.

I can walk from room-to-room with mid-fi sound streaming from Pandora. If I want to shuffle things around, it's easy. When I move, it will pack up neatly. I think a lot of you will end up where I am. You get to a point where getting the last ounce of sound is not so much worth the effort.  I'm in Atlanta and wouldn't mind parting company with the Lexicon amp and the REL subs if anyone is interested. I think I'm going to replace the LR system with a couple of powered LS-50's. So what do you think, audiophiles, could you live with my set up?
Its imperative to have enough gear lying around, like a couple or more amps and preamps to get a good idea how things measure up, to mix and match.
What the hell are you going to do when you get to heaven!
You need to trade one of your nicer old pieces to a young audio freak in exchange for his labor as your shipping clerk. If she's really good she'll be able to handle monitoring the ads too.Drugs will help the shaking.
My first true audiophile speakers were those B&W 802 series80's, and I loved them!!  Very inefficient, but very smooth, neutral, and incredible imaging.... I actually bought them used in college in '86.  Even today, I think they still can be a great value, in in nice condition.  Crossovers could use some new caps though! 
Then in '89, I bought some brand new Sequels.