DAC for carousel cd player?

Hi All,

I recently bought a used Pioneer PD-F908 101 disc cd carousel. My pre/pro is a Rotel RSP1582. Can/should I add a DAC to this and will it improve sound quality?  And if so how to connect? Sorry literally 0 experience with DAC's...

Thank you all in advance...
Wow, great thank you so much for responding and explaining chayro!

Hadn't thought about budget as I wasn't even sure if this made sense to do and if it was even possible...That said I guess I'd like to keep it under 1K if possible?

Thank you again for taking the time to respond:)
I agree a better DAC should make a nice improvement.  I’ve had a Rotel prepro and am familiar with the house sound, so I’d recommend a DAC that’s not too analytical and has a little flesh on the bone as it were or the result may be a little fatiguing.  The Schiit Modius is only $199 and offers a relatively robust sound for a cheaper DAC so may be a good fit with your Rotel and yield significant overall improvements.  Add a decent toslink cable that shouldn’t be very expensive (sorry I’ve no experience with them so no specific recommendation) and you’re good to go.  Best of luck. 
Does the Pioneer have a coax RCA digital output? If so I recommend using that instead of the toslink (plastic) optical output. The best optical digital outputs are glass fiber. Toslink falls short! A 75 ohm 1.5 meter RCA cable will sound much better than a toslink!
Thank you @soix and @jasonbourne52!

I will have to use the toslink to connect the dac to my cd player. I have it narrowed down to the Schiit Modius and the Cambridge Audio DacMagic 100...Can't thank you all enough for your advice and recommendations! Big help, which unit do you think?