Looking for a tube Preamp new or used for under $2000...

Hi all,

I am looking for a tube preamp for my Parasound A21 amp. I currently have a Parasound p6 preamp, but have been told that a “Tube” preamp not a SS preamp would make a huge improvement. My budget is $2k however, I would prefer to spend less! I am looking at McIntosh and audio research preamps. I am willing to purchase an older preamp, but not one that I would need to send it into be serviced. Any suggestions? Thanks!
i do not recommend the rogue audio rp 1.  it only has 3db of gain and sounds anemic.  
i do highly recommend the rogue rh 5 linestage headphone amp.  
multiple gain options, balanced connections and stereophile class a.  a bit more expensive but twice as good as the rp 1.  
i owned the rogue rp 7 for a while too and preferred the sound of the rh 5 !  
I would go with a hand built tube preamp like the aric audio, don sachs or space tech labs, way more bang for the buck than most brand name preamps.
I understand the concern about output impedance with tube preamps. According to Aric my Special preamp has an output impedance of 200 ohms across the audio frequency band. 

Must say the VTA-SP14 would interest me if I was looking for a new sub $2000 tube preamp. I am not, very happy with my Aric Audio one.
The Don Sachs Model 2 is more than just an SP-14 in a pretty chassis.  Don uses upgraded caps, wiring, attenuators, and yes, wooden cabinets.  He also mounts the tubes on top (instead of inside), so it is obviously much easier to change tubes, and looks much cooler.  Speaking of cool, having the tubes on top prevents excess heat inside the chassis, which prolongs the life of the unit.
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