Beethoven Missa Solemnis

In my youth I had an incredibly moving experience with this Beethoven Mass.  Can anyone recommend a really good presentation available on Tidal?  There are quite a few there and obviously cannot listen to them all.  Any insights would be appreciated.
Klemperer has an earlier mono recording (1955) made with the NDR Orchestra. Worth checking out!
I am most appreciative of this thread and the response. 

I adore Beethoven, and liturgical music probably takes up a quarter of my music collection.  But I have never found a Missa Solemnis that did the trick for me.  I have to force myself to sit through the entire work.

I suppose if anyone could do it, it would be Klemperer.  

I've often wondered if the problem is that LvB just did not have the spiritual depth of Bach or Bruckner.  But, neither did Brahms or Mozart, and they managed to pull it off.  

I will give the Klemperer a try.

Thanks for the response. If you would please, suggest one or two of your favorite Liturgical pieces (available on Tidal).  

I must admit, as I said in the original post, that I have a soft spot for Missa Solemnis by Solti & the CSO as I had an out of body experience hearing it live.  Solti always seemed to move me as others couldn't, but my insights into classical conducting are limited. 

I do own the Solti/CSO complete recorded works on Decca.  Massive box of CD for next to nothing in cost.
@pgaulke60, Solti/CSO was one of my favorites too.  I don't use Tidal, so I'm not much help there.  

As for recommendations, I should first mention that I am using the term "liturgical" somewhat loosely.  Strictly speaking, liturgical could limit the discussion to masses and music written to support the daily offices, e.g., Matins, Vespers, Compline etc.   I'm including works that were written for and used in the Lutheran Gottesdienst, so cantatas, passion histories, music written for the church festivals, etc.  

First recommendation (or set of recommendations) comes from the works of Heinrich Schutz.  His passion narratives get A LOT of play here. Especially, the Matthias and Johannas passions and the Seven Words.  My favorite recording on all of these is by Paul Hillier and Ars Nova Copenhagen.  Another fine recording from the work of Schutz is the Musicaliche Exquien.  I favor the Vox Luminus performance of this work. Some say it was in part the inspiration for Brahms Deutches Requiem. 

Second recommendation is the Bach Johannes and Matthias passions recorded on the Linn label and performed by John Butt and the Dunedin Consort.  These are both stunningly beautiful recordings and performances.  The St. John performance is quite unique, in that the passion per se is placed within the context of a Lutheran Good Friday service as it would have taken place in the Leipzig circa 1720 churches.  Great attention to detail.  I was told by one of the performers that they brought in an expert to coach them on Thuringian German pronunciation in the 1720s.  Just fantastic stuff.  
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