Best speakers to use with Mahi Mahi amps

Along with the Mahi Mahi I use a Woo Audio WA2 preamp, RAM modified Shanling CD T100 and a REL Strata III subwoofer.

I listen mostly to Progressive Rock, Jazz, Acoustic Blues and Bluegrass. Budget for speakers is $5K or less
Living Voice IBXR2's sounded great with these amps. They liked the long wall and needed a little room.

A pair of vintage 15" or 12" Dual Concentric Gold Tannoys in a custom cabinet were also a good match.
Merlin (with RC network tweak for tube friendliness) , Triangle, Zu, Tannoy.
Irvrobinson is 100% right - choose the Merlin VSMs (speakers) first, then find the amp to drive them, the Mahis would be a very good choice.