Carbon Fiber Brush with Milty Gun?

For those who use these together, which comes first? Does it make most sense to shoot the record with the gun first, and then use the carbon brush?

Thanks again!

Moonglum, Re your reference to the effect of electrostatic build-up on the cantilever, if one examines the cartridge in the area above and to the sides of the cantilever/stylus assembly, one can always see a local accumulation of dust or dirt, after playing several LPs. I don't know whether those particles concentrate in that area due to ES attraction or not, but it certainly makes sense.
I own the original discwasher anti static gun in red plastic as opposed to the milty blue. Have not really had the need to use it. I do use my audioquest carbon fiber brush every day. Its a pretty effective brush.
Just a quick update am now using Furutech Destat 3 with Ramar and Levin record brushes which are the best by far,