New Anthem AVM 70 and MRX 740 difference in processing

I've had my eye on the new Anthem line-up recently. But I'm torn between the AVM70 processor only vs the MRX740 receiver.  

The receiver offers pre outs for all the channels I'd need.  So I wouldn't really use the amps in the receiver. 

BUT, MRX 's resell is going to be much better because it's all-in-one - fewer demand for the AVM, and the AVM is $1000 more.

So, are the internals of the AVM really all that much better? And how much difference would you really notice on multichannel movie playback?

Thoughts on this?
I've researched the Anthem products and from what I've read, the Pre-Pro has a better power supply and much better DAC's than the receivers.
I'm sure you could tell a difference, especially in 2-ch listening.  
But since you have a dedicated 2-ch system, I would probably just go with the receiver and be done with it.

Also, some manufacturers (I believe) use the same internals in their receivers as they do their processors.
That’s a statement, not a question.  It’s negative, ignorant, and accusatory.  A question would be: “Do some manufacturers use the same parts in the prepro sections of their AVRs in their AVPs?”  That’s a worthwhile and legitimate question while yours is just a completely uninformed, pigheaded statement.  See the difference?

Well, I said "I believe" meaning I didn't claim to know the absolute answer.  Came here looking for more information that could sway me either way. 

This all coming from a guy who recently asked if an iPhone/iPad is a good streamer source.  Admitting he didn't know the answer and was looking for confirmation.  Which by nature accuses manufacturers like Lumin, Auralic, PS Audio, Mytek, etc of ripping off the market and uncapable of making a streamer better than an iPhone. 

Take a hike.
Nice try butthole. I’ve never compared going direct from idevices to a streamer because I don’t have one, so I was looking for input from people who have and if superior I’m buying probably an Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer. My question in no way implies streamers are a ripoff except in your warped little mind trying in some inane way to imply I said something as stupid as you did. I’ll give you this though, you are very good at making wrongheaded, asinine assumptions. If I was you I would’ve said that I believe streamers use cheap components and probably don’t sound any better than going direct from an idevice, but I’m not a paranoid, conspiracy-theory doofus so I didn’t do that. No wonder you bought a separate amp to power surround speakers in an entry-level HT — now it makes sense. Have fun wasting even more money on an Anthem product of any type for your mediocre, hodgepodge little system that won’t even know the difference. A fool and his money...
Ok Karen. You don't know my "hodgepodge little system" nor does it matter.  You were looking for input on something you didn't know the answer to correct?  That's all I am doing.  

Good lord, has this chicken pecked anyone else's toes on here?

All those words and I still only have little evidence that an AVM is that much better than an MRX.  Better power suppy and better dacs.  That's great, but how important are the dacs and PS to my surround speakers?  Better separation?  I know the theory, but anyone with first hand knowledge between the two.  

Thank you for those of you who do have actual experience with this and chimed in.