@mitch2 - yes, I did own the V3 for about 2 years before getting the EVO. I was extremely happy with it, and wasn't considering a new dac at all. I couldn't imagine better.
To my ears, the EVO brings more of what the V3 does so well, from top to bottom. Micro-details in the lows and mids were improved in my system. Low notes aren't just tones, but real instruments with their vibrations, decay and resonance more present. There are other small SQ improvements in the EVO - but as a whole, the EVO in my system, is probably 20-30% improvement over v3.
To feed the EVO, I use AES/EBU. With the V3, I was using SPDIF-RCA. Before receiving the EVO, I asked Ben for his advice on RCA vs AES, and I'll just show you his reply:
So, I've been using AES the entire time with the EVO. I haven't tried RCA yet. While waiting for the EVO, I sold my SPDIF cable (Sablon) to help fund a new AES cable (BlackCat). My streamer is the DCS Network Bridge.
I did hear my EVO using USB when I brought it to a friend's house. He has a Antipodes DX Gen 3. It sounded excellent. He was using a Accoustic BBQ usb cable (sold by @grannyring ). In his system, there was not a big difference between his DX with USB, and the DCS with AES. Not a great comparison with 2 different streamers feeding the EVO, but to our ears, the USB was certainly not a step down in any way in our limited test,
Thanks for the updates on the new boards. I told Ben I would be a beta tester for the PCM63 boards. I hope I'm chosen. I have an old Rotel CD player that has 2 of them.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
To my ears, the EVO brings more of what the V3 does so well, from top to bottom. Micro-details in the lows and mids were improved in my system. Low notes aren't just tones, but real instruments with their vibrations, decay and resonance more present. There are other small SQ improvements in the EVO - but as a whole, the EVO in my system, is probably 20-30% improvement over v3.
To feed the EVO, I use AES/EBU. With the V3, I was using SPDIF-RCA. Before receiving the EVO, I asked Ben for his advice on RCA vs AES, and I'll just show you his reply:
AES XLR is a significant upgrade over coaxial S/PDIF.
The reason is that with coaxial their are only two conductors and the ground is the shield, but with AES XLR there are three conductors the plus, the ground, and the minus, plus the shield is a fourth conductor that connects the chassis of the two components and is totally out of the signal path.
Really no comparison, and that’s not even counting how much better an XLR connector is compared to an RCA or BNC.
So, I've been using AES the entire time with the EVO. I haven't tried RCA yet. While waiting for the EVO, I sold my SPDIF cable (Sablon) to help fund a new AES cable (BlackCat). My streamer is the DCS Network Bridge.
I did hear my EVO using USB when I brought it to a friend's house. He has a Antipodes DX Gen 3. It sounded excellent. He was using a Accoustic BBQ usb cable (sold by @grannyring ). In his system, there was not a big difference between his DX with USB, and the DCS with AES. Not a great comparison with 2 different streamers feeding the EVO, but to our ears, the USB was certainly not a step down in any way in our limited test,
Thanks for the updates on the new boards. I told Ben I would be a beta tester for the PCM63 boards. I hope I'm chosen. I have an old Rotel CD player that has 2 of them.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.