in May 2020 invalid wrote:
Question was answered then by jea48.
Starting with the 2008 National Electric Code, the only acceptable way to wire a subpanel is with a four-wire feed. Two hots, one ground, and one neutral wire. The grounds and neutrals must be isolated.
These images show post 2008 NEC main and sub connections
I just installed a sub panel in my dedicated audio room which is a separate building from my house. I had to isolate the neutral wires in the sub panel and install a grounding rod, should I connect the grounding rod to the grounding rod on the main panel.Audiogon Discussion Forum
Question was answered then by jea48.
Starting with the 2008 National Electric Code, the only acceptable way to wire a subpanel is with a four-wire feed. Two hots, one ground, and one neutral wire. The grounds and neutrals must be isolated.
These images show post 2008 NEC main and sub connections