When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
Audiofeil, I might agree with you. The problem is sometimes with digital we accept less. As an example, I refer to my, "instant relaxation" statement. Audiofeil and D_edwards, we are all after music, aren't we? Surely, as talented as both of you are, we can all get something from both of you? Adhoc(here comes my ignorance), you didn't mention this, but I will repeat it. Ones and zeroes(on or off) aren't music. So what if you sample it at 196khz. What does that mean? It seems to me that you are just not limiting the highs(I may be wrong here.). My cd player(APL Denon 3910) doesn't unsample regular cd's, and the highs are fine(I know, my speakers!). Regular cd's are, what, 44kz? Now, we come to bits(The only stupid question is the one unasked.). 24 bits(or more) versus 16 bits(regular cd)-what does that mean? There are more ones and zeroes within a given physical area? Anyhow, in practical terms, the mechanicals of turntable playback introduce inconsistencies, that with a proper cd-player(i.e., APL 3910) are, to me, about equal. I'm not talking about arm and cartridge here. I'm talking about level, belt, and springs. I once dialed in a turntable correctly(Ariston RD 11e, with Grace 707, and ADC XLM 3), and it involved dropping the motor from the top-board. People(i.e., Fremer of Stereophile) shouldn't discount what Roksan has done with their motor.
Well, as I said, I am very pleased with my digital outfit, the CD/SACD Accuphase DP-85.
I am not an anti-digital and pro-analog.
I still buy LP's when I find something interesting, but I more often buy CD's.
(I won't even mention all the practical plus of the digital over the analog).

Maybe I am just half deaf or with terribly decadent tastes but, with a great system, both digital and analog (100'000$), I prefer my best recorded LP's to my best recorded CD or SACD.

That's all !
All you have to do is here is one live musial event of a particular genre (Jazz, Rock or classical), make a lot mental notes, come home put one LP of same genre and style (of course the same exact music is even better), listen carefully. Then while memory still fresh, put on a CD of same LP and listen. Be honest. Admit which is more CLOSER to the live event you just attended. Well I have done this many times this year. LPs come ahead every single time. Sure CDs can sound SPECTACULAR, but NOT like the live event. Don't take my word for it, Do it deligently and many times as possible. IMHO of course. I do listen to CDs but only when I don't want WASTE my LPs ;-)
Nil and Adhoc...I'll have to agree on this with you. When you listen to an LP (analog) on the same 2CH system and configuration as a CD (digital) 2Ch system, chances are you will come closer to live with the LP (analog). And I even know why. Because the "playing field" is uneven.

Digital is not optimal in 2Ch. Sad but true. This is why so many hate digital, because they can't grasp that it isn't optimal in this setup. It's horrible in 2CH.

However to level off the playing field, digital needs to be played in the configuration it was optimally designed for...MC. Otherwise your be chasing your tail each time. Let digital do what it does best and was designed to do, MC. Now things are more even!

When you factor this into play, LP's are a thing of the past! As for soul, digital has DSP's to take the edge off, amoungst other things.