The guru on fuses:

For two years, I have asked why and how fuses could possibly matter. All I got was arguments of faith, pro or con. I needed a real audio guru who actually knows. Here is a link from John Curl’s discussion on Parasound’s website. He engineered and designed some some great equipment, including some Mark Levinson gear, The Grateful Dead’s 30 plus McIntosh amp powered Wall of Sound, and his admittedly, somewhat price compromised Parasound designs. He discusses the electrical properties of standard fuses, showing how they are compromised. The entire article is quite enlightening, but to skip to the fuse section, go to the bottom half of page 6.


These people who say it does not make a difference are not willing to experiment.
That’s a massive assumption of yours, I have had an owner of one of these $150+ fuses who swears by them, he bought one to my place I "pretended" to put it in, but I DIDN’T. Then played the system again, he said wow that’s better!!!!
Then I put it in, he thinking the old Bussman went back in, then he said that’s back to being worse.!!!!!
I didn’t have the heart to tell him, he was conned. As he is a customer of mine.

BTW I heard absolutely no difference compared to my $2 Bussman fuse.

Cheers George
Fuses remain a great way for hyperbole based companies to make big bucks (what do you think it costs Synergistic to make a fuse?...50 cents maybe?) so they'll always be around, but simply the nature and purpose of a fuse keeps it from improving the sound of any component...this  explains why the manufacturers of components (and I mean all of 'em I'm aware of) care zero about "special" fuses. Zero.
Sorry, but a fuse is Not going to change the sound of anything. It is all in your(s) head. Your brain will tell you it sounds better to compensate for the guilt of throwing hard earned money out the window.


This statement could not be more true. If you don’t try one you have NO say so.. simple as that.. No use, No say, Even George admits he did not use a fuse.. he tricked his customer. So he admits he DID NOT use or listen to the fuse.. He said it not me..

Again if you take the fuse out of your power amp for example, and turn it around and DO NOT hear a difference, the chances are that you will not benefit from a "FANCY FUSE".

Either your system, just doesn’t need it, you can’t hear it, or you don’t want to hear it.. It makes no difference as long as the person doing the listening and PAYING for the fuse is.
They have a money back guarantee, if you blow a SR fuse they will replace it without cost usually..

It’s not easy to pull off "I’m Stupid", some make it sound so easy...

As the saying goes "Jealousy always brings unkind word"

I’m just another prick like the rest, but I don’t hide behind "STUPID".

Yup way to much time here.. Mercy.. I’m out of here. Place has me thinking folks are just friggin’ deaf and stupid.. That’s just not me...
I’m better than this...Geez...

By By..
I can tell you that vintage fuses are an incredible upgrade because of the high quality of their construction.