When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
Mmak - Don't get me wrong. I'm by no means the expert or pretend to be either. I've had a mentor (D_Edwards) to walk me through a lot of what I and others have mentioned before regarding 2CH and MC. Infact, truth be known, you can't get MC any where near "right" unless you follow the same steps for perfecting 2CH first. Thats another story in itself, that many just don't believe. Why...who knows.

Anyway, there isn't a lot left to reveal. There are no "secrets", just facts at are readily avialable to everyone. Its all there for people to see and try for themselves. Its just a matter of being openminded and willing enough to give it a try. This is what us "MC guys" are saying when it comes to this thread.

MMak this next statement isn't directed at you...directly :)

If there are any other specific questions or statements, wheteher its from MMak or anyone else, fire away. However, if it doesn't sound like the concensus, don't call it hogwash or start with name callings. If you don't agree, great. Just don't get gun shy when we ask one came to thier objective conclusion.

MMak - I and others will be more than glad to help where ever we can. Post more questions or shoot me an email.
Cdwallace, I appreciate your response. I need to study all that you've said, and I have read what D_Edwards have said. I still wonder why or what correction Dolby does to make 5.1. It just seems to me, that if Dolby has to correct, that maybe digital doesn't quite fit surround. You know what I mean? I'm really going here with, maybe, Oneobgyn, who has both-yet listens mostly in two-channel. These discussions are beyond me, but eventually, I will have to change my speakers, so it is of interest to me.
I will have an oppotunity to listen to 5.1 soon. What I've read is that that the part of digital that is unmusical, becomes less unmusical with surround sound. I, actually, don't care one way or the other. I just really need music in my life.
Mmak, I will say this...as fair warning. If you hear what you've read about surround, then the system is not setup correctly! I can say that with the upmost confidence because I've heard systems (my own, others, and those it audio hobbyshops) that sounded horrible until they were setup properly.

I've read about $200k systems that were surpposed to sounded "musical" and everything but actually sounded the complete opposite. If you want music, then we need to talk further. Be careful what you read because it may cause you to miss out.

As for Dolby...if you let that sidetrack you, you'll never find what you're looking for. Dolby is just a "name" if you will. Similar to the bose "name", but different in far too many ways. Dolby doesn't correct (per se), but Dolby "redirects"...places things in its proper place and perspective, as far as surround is concern. It takes the information that was condenced does to 2 channels (CD's etc.) and "uncondenses" the info and spreads it out across 5; processing the info to keep it in line with the correct placement of the 2 channel info. I hope that makes sense.

The goals has nothing to do with Dolby, its about helping you out where possible.

Let up know how it goes.
Cdwallace, it sounds interesting. I've got an outside chance to hear some Yamaha 5.1. I've read some things that say that the highs aren't as disturbing with surround. The 5.1 guy is a psychic vampire, so this may take awhile.(For reference, read the Celestine Prophesy books-although they don't go far enough.) I'm 55 and they are all trying to drain my energy. How smart is that(how many people of this age have excess energy)? Don't worry about trying to explain it to people, it just doesn't work. I guess that it is more important for them to drain energy, than it is to understand energy, and try to increase it for themselves. It's a very interesting concept, but, actually, totally absurd-if you read me carefully.