My Room Size for Speaker Consideration

As I look at possible speaker sizes for my new 2-channel, I'm wondering how I should look at my room dimensions.  The family room is 15' x 20'.  On the 15' length (where I sit), there is a knee wall that opens into the kitchen, which is another 10' x 20':

At it's smallest, it's 300 sq ft
At largest, it's 500. sq ft.

To better match the speaker size, which room size should I consider? 

(I'm dreaming of the Focal Sopra 2, and their website is kind to recommend room dimensions)
I think the Sopra 2 is a fine choice for your space.  Have you considered any room treatment though?

Also, these tend to be punishing for mediocre amps. Be sure the amp you plan on using is relatively stiff.



room correction is on my radar.

considering a moon 600i v2

some pretty good deals here and on usaudiomart, as I could never consider this equipment new.

Suggested US Retail Price: $750,000/pair

if you're willing to make the difference from a $9500 speaker, sure!


Everything but the subs...

I heard a system exactly like this one with two "Larger subs" they have a 15"PR, a 12 and 15" active.

One of the best bang for the buck systems I ever heard.. This is a steal with amps, speakers and processor..

Pure analog, with bypass for pure stereo or the trinaural analog processor.. or a HT thing if that's your thing..
