Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.

This thread is not about cost and best value. Besides, there are other extremely expensive brands.
Other things being the same, one can get some ideas by listening to youtube. Your DAC, headphones and hearing must be good.
"...Your DAC, headphones and hearing must be good..."

Recorded using the best tube pre-amp microphone or just an Iphone?   
@inna you mean you judge the sound of world best amplifiers by using youtube? Your tube sound is recorded in unknown space with unknown speakers by unknown microphones, by unknown recording engineer to create 128 kbps AAC? You must be kidding.
All d'Agostino amps sound wonderful with great detail and bass.The only other amp that may be better is Dartzeel 468 however it is over 168k.