Chord DACs .. who has moved across to them from R-2R based DACs ?

It seems that Chord DACs are becoming very popular - I’m looking to try the Chord Qutest at some point but wonder if anyone here has moved across to Chord from so called "musical" R-2R DACs like the following:
  • SW1X
  • Schiit
  • Audio Note
  • Lampizator
  • Mojo Audio

Just to add to @jjss49 that, like all DAC architectures, R2R DACs too have their sonic variations within the type.  There are tubed and non-tubed, and oversampling and NOS types, both of which (among other things) can have a significant impact particularly on how detailed or warm the resulting sound is.  The base R2R characteristics as jjss449 describes likely hold throughout the spectrum, but I just wanted to point out if you want a more detailed sound you can still get it with an R2R DAC.  As an example, the Schiit Yggy would definitely be more in the detailed, white wine end of the spectrum versus an SW1X model that’d be more on the softer, fuller, red wine end.  I’d ask jjss if this aligns with his experience because he’s actually had and heard more of these DACs than almost everyone here so IMO he’d be the final arbiter, but I thought delineating the world of R2R DACs a little further might be helpful.  As always, FWIW. 
Schitt ain’t R2R, some of them are MultiBit and you’ll never get DSD through them.
FPGA all the way. With updates.
Or Soekris if you have to have R2R.
And can get one.  Good luck with that.
I tried the Qutest and thought it was a nice dac but a little thin and hifi for me.  While I had it I tried a RME adi-2 to compare and preferred the RME, just comes across much fuller, better tone  and very transparent and smooth while being very musical. The Chord may sound better in other systems but just not in mine. The sound stage was a little better on the Chord. I added a Teddy Pardo to the RME and that really improved the RME all around so I sold the Chord with no regrets,I would have liked to try a better power supply on the Chord. I did buy a MHDT and find the highs a little rolled off and not as clear and transparent as RME but very relaxing and more analog than the Chord or RME. I still have both RME and MHDT and enjoy both but for different reasons 
I moved from a Schiit to a Chord and never looked back.  I was very surprised at how different the Chords sounded.  I did not like the Mojo, 2Qute or Qutest.  They were all too forwards sounding to me.  The Hugo is more laid back and not at all fatiguing.  I'd love to get my hands on a Dave but that's another story.
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