Best settings for my first MC cart

Finally trading my AT vm740ml MM cart for a Dynavector XX2 MK2 moving coil cart. This is my first MC cart. 
I don’t know what setting to use on my Parasound JC3 jr. phono stage. There is an impedence switch (47 or variable), a variable MC impedence dial (50-550) and gain select (60, 40 or 50). 
I agree with @noromance on setting the gain to 60db, but loading I would dial in by ear - go up and down the loading options and hear for yourself what sounds best.
Gain to 60 but experiment with impedance, though if noromance has the same phonostage as you he might be on the money. On another phonostage the XX2 mk2 likes around 450Ω. If you set too low bass gets a bit flabby, too high and its tight but light and the top end gets a bit sharp. Remember the cartridge will change as it beds in so just find something acceptable at first and revisit after around 50 + hours to finalise your choice.
Indeed. The XX2 is 6 ohms so a 10x loading is appropriate. However, as others state, tune it by ear. I tend to prefer a little less loading in general as it tends to free up the sound.