Dedicated power

I'm looking to run a dedicated 30a and dedicated 20a line to my system directly from the fuse box. 
I currently have some florescent lights and some other junk on the line so I'm hoping it will be an improvement. Things sounds like they are straining somewhat when you crank things up. The amp will go on the 30a line and the digital stuff on the 20a. 
Anyone done this and saw improvements? 
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It would seem like the transformers used would have to be somewhat sealed being that they are filled with oil.

There are at least 5 million of them across the US. They are quite common in large cities in the north. Downtown NYC is full of them. In many cases below the sidewalks in front of buildings. How is water kept out of the vaults? Sump Pumps for one."

Thank you very much for this information which I find "suspect" as a matter of practice but it explains a lot the US has a reputation for very unreliable electric service and having now done some Googling on this purely for curiosity I see that flooding has often caused massive power outages sometimes lasting for weeks!
Very unreliable electric service?
Thank you very much for this information, which I find "suspect". Good grief. Flooding has caused a lot of problems, depending on the severity. The solution, of course, would be to not allow anyone to live near any of the thousands of miles of seacoast, nor near any rivers or streams. I think if we displace 50-100 million citizens living along the Mississippi and Missouri drainages, for a start, we can nip this problem in the bud.
I'm sure they make transformers that can withstand flooding, but will the power companies cough up the money for them?