Roon 1.8

I am excited about Roon 1.8 (due out tomorrow).  Roon has changed the way I discover and listen to music.  The new 1.8 UI looks amazing.

Has anyone been able to get early access to 1.8?  Please post new features and recommendations.  I’m eager to learn all the new tricks.

I need to spend more time listening (mainly I have been learning the new interface and features), but I can confirm that there is no loss in sound quality.  I might even lean toward a slightly better sound, but I will not make that claim official until I have more listening time.

What are your thoughts?

Interesting!  I have a Raspberry Pi that I have used as a Roon player, I need to update it and give it a go.  Thanks!
@allane  The changes in SQ surprised me. I was not expecting any SQ changes. 

Significant (as in most noticeable): More body, weight and impact.

Cleaner / more transparent / more opened up.

An additional ease / flow to the music. 

I need to listen more to get a feel for whether there are aspects lessened.
Roon has really done something special with this update. Very pleased with it sonically and content wise. 
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