Need advice on used Wilson Audio speakers

I know that some of you guys are going to laugh at this, because it is nowhere near the sophisticated set-ups you have on your racks.  But here goes.  Back in 1983, I bought a brand new set of Polk Audio SDA 1b speakers.  I liked the sound.  It was, to my ear anyway, accurate.  It avoided the JBL-era thundering bass that tired me out.  The SDA technology opened up the sound-stage.  I was happy.  But gradually, the old girls have gotten unlistenable.  I mean, it's been 40 years.  So, they don't owe me much.

I started looking.  Everything else Polk has made over the past thirty years left me cold.   And everything I've listened to in local big-box stores fails to put a grin on my face.   It all sucks.

I contemplated rebuilding the cross-overs and replacing the mids and high-end speakers and generally cleaning up and dampening the enclosures.   It would probably run me a couple grand. 

But I finally found a speaker that is worlds away better than the old Polks (okay, you can stop laughing now). Of course, they are also a lot more money).  I really liked the sound of Wilson Audio's Sabrina.  Now that the Sabrina 2nd generation speaker is out, I'm thinking I might be able to stretch into a used (or heavily discounted 1st gen Sabrina).  Probably going to run me about ten to twelve grand.  

Do any of you have any opinions on buying used Wilsons?  How often do they need to go back to Provo to be worked on?  What do I look for?  Should I just bite the bullet and buy new?

Finally, I've begun to understand that Wilsons like to be driven.  Means I'm probably going to have to buy a new amplifier.  When I listened to the Sabrina originally, they were driving them with the Boulder 850 set up.  Any thoughts on what I should consider in that direction?

I look forward to your kind and thoughtful answers. 

@OP I don’t know your age but if your last speakers you purchased were 1983 I will assume you are no spring chicken so I would go for the Wilson’s if that is what you really like. You obviously don’t make changes to your system very often but after you get the Wilson’s you are probably going to or should make some additional changes as other posters have mentioned. Good luck !
If listening to the Wilson Sabrina speakers puts a smile on your face - buy them!  Wilson is a highly regarded manufacture.  
 Dave Wilson used to demo his Sophia's at shows being driven by receivers hidden from view. He was making the point that they didn't need mega-watt amps to sound good. Don't know about the Sabrina's.
In my opinion....

I found the "early" Wilsons to have hard sounding tweeters that were not particularly well-integrated.  That even extended to Wilson's big room at (IIRC) the Golden Nugget at the 1997 Vegas CES.  Dynamics, yes.  Fatiguing high frequency, yes.  

I think someplace along the line, better electronics were used.   Crossover improvements along with something other than that semi-awful Audax inverted tweeter significantly helped the Wilson line.  Now it's my opinion that the Wilson line of speakers performs up to their price tag.  

On a personal note, I ALWAYS thought that Dave Wilson was a very personable guy, friendly and cheerful, conversational and engaging.  His passing was a loss to the industry.