YOU MUST audition Kerr Acoustic Speakers

In my quest for better sound I stumbled upon Kerr Acoustic entry level K300 bookshelf speakers. I can tell you folks that I was toe tapping uncontrollably on my first, second and third audition and laughed uncontrollably on my fourth audition. To my ears this speaker sound much better than anything I have ever heard and the entry level K300 is quite affordable. It’s super detailed without sounding sterile or analytical, very analog sounding, bass is very low and tight, if the dealer told me there is a hidden subwoofer I would’ve believed him, the ribbon tweeter is very airy and detailed without any fatigue and the most obvious quality is the unbelievable speed. It’s about $6500 after discount and it beat many famous brand and a lot more expensive speakers that I ever heard. My SF Guarneri Evolution which cost more than double sounds like mini compo compared to K300, I used to be uber fanatical with SF speakers but this Kerr changed me. You owe it to yourself to audition this magical speaker. I have put my order for it’s bigger brother the flagship K100, it’s gonna be a long 4 months wait.
Joined last month, 2 posts about Kerr,
sounds like shill to me.
LOL since you mentioned it you are actually correct... dang I sounded like a salesman, my apology and wasn’t my intention, I was just truly impressed. Hey, audition is free. 

maybe the fellow is the owner of Kerr acoustic?

Any reason they have a huge bbc dip?