Is it not fair to say that, apart from the chest thumping bass that some speakers are able to deliver, that headphones generally do everything better?
You know that your audio system is very good when the "timbre" of instrument sound natural and like me when your 7 pairs of headphones, 2 Stax, 1 hybrid, 2 dynamic, 1 magneplanar, did not give you any pleasure anymore because they are inferior to your working speakers...I listened mainly to headphones many years and bought all these headphones because i was not pleased by my speakers to begin with...
Why the same speakers please me so much now?
My audio system cost is 500 bucks, BUT is NOW rightfully embedded mechanically, electrically and especially acoustically...
I read that often, that headphone are better, more detailed; it is not true; in my nearfield listening my speakers beat or are on par with my Stax for details...In regular listening position they trash dynamically and with more timbre naturalness all my headphones with almost the same details....My headphones are retired now for many months definitively....I will never use them again....
OK apart from electrostatics, which loudspeakers sound most like headphones?
Any relatively good speakers well embeddded in the 3 working dimensions will beat most headphone for realism, naturalness and will be on par with details...
Save for insanely costly headphone like Raal Sr1 for example....
I answered your post precisely because i read that all over the place 8 years ago, that headphones are most of the times better, and i believed it because i never experienced well embedded speakers before... And i owned dual concentric Tannoy (better than my actual Mission Cyrus that are good) at this time but badly embeddded... Then i go in rush to buy one headphone after the other ....
Till the day i learned how to embed my audio system.... I trash my headphones after....😁
That is my story....
P.S. i sold my 2 pairs of Tannoy speakers because i believed this false opinion, i regret it to this day because the Tannoy are better than even my Mission Cyrus...The Mission well embedded make me trash all headphones...I never listen to my Tannoy at all well embeddded alas!... It is a pity....
You can understand now why this saying about headphones make me to react....